According to the article of 8/1. of Afyon Kocatepe University Quality Legistatation, the quality coordinator is entitled by the rector from among the faculty members who have the knowledge and qualifications to perform the activities within the scope of the directive in accordance with the procedure and the term of office of coordinator is for three years. The coordinator selects up to three vice-coordinator. The sufficient number of personnel is assigned to carry out the activities of the coordinators. The staff ‘ information of the quality coordinatorship according to the specified article is given in the table below.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali AVAN | Quality Coordinator | Leadership, Management and Quality |
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Koray KASAPOĞLU | Vice-Quality Coordinator | Education |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa YALÇIN | Vice-Quality Coordinator | Research and Development, Accreditation |
Lecturer Sümeyye ÇENGELCİ | Vice-Quality Coordinator | Social Contribution |
Lecturer Umut KEMEÇ | Academic Staff | Administrative Affairs |
Uğur KAYA | Statistician | Data Analysis, Administrative Operations |
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